Ninety Six’s Taylor receives first individual state championship ring

Seven months ago, Frank Taylor etched his name in the record books by winning his first individual state championship in the 165-pound weight class.

Friday night, he got the ring. 

“It feels unreal,” said Taylor. “I worked so hard for this, stayed down and grinded until I got the ring that I have always wanted.”

It was not an easy road for Taylor. Battling through injuries, heartbreak and tragedy, it took a lot for the senior to pull of this amazing feat. 

“I had some injuries I had to battle through, and it wasn’t easy,” said Taylor. “I just had to keep my head down and grind.”

However, unquestionably the toughest thing Taylor had to fight through was the loss of his father. Taylor’s father passed away in 2022, and ever since then, there’s only been one thing on Taylor’s mind: honoring his old man. He did just that, sporting his dad’s old singlet in his state championship match, which his father never won in.

“I can’t even put into words how much it means to me,” said Taylor. “It feels like I did the impossible.” 

Taylor attributed much of his success to his coaches, specifically Ninety Six head wrestling coach Roy Lemmons and assistant coach Ross Doolittle, who joined him in receiving his ring.

“Coach Ross has helped me a lot, he’s been coaching me for 10-11 years,” said Taylor. “And Coach Lemmons, there’s just no better coach out there than him, on and off the mat.”

Both Lemmons and Doolittle have been coaching Taylor since he was about six years old. According to Lemmons, there isn’t anyone who is more hard-working on the mat.

“He’s bought into everything we do here, and he’s always the hardest worker in the room,” said Lemmons. “Then when you add on him wearing his dad’s singlet, it’s just so surreal. I’m just so proud of him and what he’s accomplished.”

Taylor’s work ethic doesn’t only impress his coaches, however. It also inspires his teammates to work as hard as they can. Taylor’s leadership was key in the Wildcats’ AA state championship victory in 2022, and his efforts did not go unnoticed. 

“He is very determined in what he does,” said close friend and longtime teammate Ryan Jones. “He always gives 110%, no matter what is in his way.”

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